A Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Training: Five Weeks to a Well-Behaved Companion


Training a new puppy is an exciting but challenging journey that requires time, patience, and consistency. In Chapter 3 of this guide, we’ll delve into a five-week training program to help you establish the foundation for a well-behaved and obedient canine companion. Each week, we’ll focus on specific training phases and commands that gradually build your puppy’s skills and behavior. By following this structured approach, you’ll set your puppy up for success and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. 

Week 1: The Basics – Introduction to Key Commands 

During the first week of training, your focus should be on building a positive rapport with your puppy and introducing them to basic commands. Here’s a day-by-day breakdown of what you can do: 

Day 1 – Welcome and Bonding: 

  • Introduce your puppy to their new home and designated safe space. 
  • Begin bonding by spending quality time together, playing, and cuddling. 
  • Start using your puppy’s name consistently when interacting with them. 

Day 2 – Sit Command: 

  • Begin with the “sit” command, a fundamental skill. 
  • Hold a treat above your puppy’s head, and as they lift their head to follow the treat, their bottom should naturally lower. 
  • Say “sit” as they do this and reward them with the treat. 

Day 3 – Recall (Come) Command: 

  • Practice the “come” command in a quiet, enclosed area. 
  • Use a cheerful tone and call your puppy’s name followed by “come.” 
  • When they come to you, reward them with praise and a treat. 

Day 4 – Positive Reinforcement: 

  • Continue reinforcing good behavior with treats and praise. 
  • Focus on rewarding your puppy when they respond to their name or follow simple commands. 

Day 5 – Mealtime Training: 

  • Use mealtime as an opportunity to practice commands. 
  • Have your puppy sit and wait before placing their food bowl down. 
  • Reward them after they sit patiently. 

Day 6 – Leash Introduction: 

  • Introduce your puppy to a leash and collar. 
  • Allow them to get used to wearing it indoors. 
  • Use treats and gentle encouragement to make the experience positive. 

Day 7 – Play and Socialization: 

  • Encourage socialization by inviting friends or family over to meet your puppy. 
  • Monitor the interactions and ensure they are positive. 

Week 2: Building on Foundations – Stay and Down Commands 

In the second week, expand on the basics by introducing the “stay” and “down” commands. Consistency and patience are key to reinforcing these skills.

Day 8 – Stay Command: 

  • Start teaching the “stay” command by having your puppy sit. 
  • Hold your hand out in a stop signal and say “stay.” 
  • Take a small step back and then return to your puppy, rewarding them if they remained seated. 

Day 9 – Down Command: 

  • Teach the “down” command by starting with your puppy in a sitting position. 
  • Hold a treat near their nose and slowly lower it to the ground. 
  • As they lie down, say “down” and reward them. 

Days 10-14 – Practice and Repetition: 

  • Spend these days practicing the commands you’ve introduced. 
  • Focus on consistency, rewarding correct responses, and gentle correction for mistakes. 

Week 3: Recall and Stay Mastery – Leave It Command 

By the third week, your puppy should have a good grasp of recall and stay. Now, it’s time to introduce the “leave it” command to further their obedience skills. 

Day 15 – Recall Mastery: 

  • Continue practicing the “come” command, gradually increasing the distance and distractions. 
  • Use a long leash in a safe, enclosed area for added control. 

Day 16 – Stay Mastery: 

  • Work on extending the duration of the “stay” command. 
  • Begin by having your puppy stay for longer periods before rewarding them. 

Day 17 – Leave It Command: 

  • Introduce the “leave it” command by placing a treat in your closed hand. 
  • Show the closed hand to your puppy and say “leave it.” 
  • Wait for them to stop trying to get the treat, then open your hand and reward them with a different treat. 

Day 18-21 – Distraction Training: 

  • Practice commands in environments with more distractions, such as a park or a pet-friendly store. 
  • Use the “leave it” command to prevent your puppy from picking up items during walks. 

Week 4: Building Confidence – Socialization and Advanced Commands

The fourth week focuses on building your puppy’s confidence through continued socialization and the introduction of advanced commands. 

Day 22 – Advanced Commands: 

  • Introduce advanced commands like “heel” for walking nicely on a leash and “wait” for stopping at intersections during walks. 
  • Begin with short sessions to avoid overwhelming your puppy. 

Day 23 – Socialization Continues: 

  • Continue socializing your puppy with various people, dogs, and environments. 
  • Enroll in a puppy playgroup or attend organized socialization classes if available. 

Day 24 – Handling and Grooming: 

  • Get your puppy used to being handled, including paw touching and examining their ears. 
  • Introduce them to grooming tools like brushes and combs. 

Day 25 – Off-Leash Training: 

  • In a secure and enclosed area, practice off-leash training while maintaining voice control. 
  • Ensure your puppy is responsive to commands even without a leash. 

Day 26-28 – Advanced Practice: 

  • Dedicate these days to refining advanced commands and working on any specific behavior challenges your puppy may have. 

Week 5: Consistency and Refinement – Review and Strengthening 

Day 29-30 – Comprehensive Review: 

  • Spend these days reviewing all the commands and skills you’ve taught your puppy. 
  • Gradually increase the complexity of commands and scenarios. 

Day 31-35 – Strengthening Exercises: 

  • Dedicate the last days of the program to strengthening your puppy’s training. 
  • Include real-life scenarios like polite greetings with strangers and practicing commands in different environments. 


By following this five-week training guide, you can lay a strong foundation for your puppy’s obedience and behavior. Remember that training is an ongoing process, and consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to raising a well-behaved and happy canine companion. Continue to reinforce the skills you’ve taught and nurture the loving bond you’ve built with your puppy. With dedication and care, you’ll enjoy the rewards of a well-trained and well-behaved furry friend for years to come.